Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today (in no particular order)...

I got glared at by the garbage man when he tried to lift the can full of drywall, cement and tile remains from our old master bathroom...

I got yelled at by the mailman for leaving my garbage can in front of the mailbox after he hit it (no doubt the garbage man left it there on purpose)...

I walked Erin to kindergarten across the street and it took less than five minutes...

I read my scriptures and Preach My Gospel (not the whole thing)...

I watched Marissa put a marker up her nose, then into her mouth, then nose and mouth (etc.) just to make us laugh, and we did...

I talked to two of my best friends on the phone, make that three (my husband called me too :)...

I cleaned up cat throw-up...

I played racquetball with a really lousy racket and a really cool friend who later admitted that we both "played like poop!" but still wants to play tomorrow...

I got slapped in the face by Marissa followed by a wet, sloppy kiss all within 15 seconds...

I watched Alex fall asleep at dinner before even taking a bite...

I folded laundry and put it away...

I listened to Silly Songs really loudly due to Alex figuring out the volume dial...

I held Marissa after she fell out of the stroller head first onto the tile...

I thought about Erin's deep thought yesterday: "I know why my head always hurts, it's because the world keeps spinning" (I guess we know why Marissa's hurts)...

I snickered at Erin's deep thought for today: "Every morning I have slobber in the corner of my eyes"...

I laughed even more about the one Erin said last week: "Hey, I forgot to pick my nose today! Actually, I think I'm just going to pick it tonight"...

I packed a lunch in a Tinkerbell lunchbox...

I did 18 hard minutes on the stair stepper at the gym...

I watched Erin do her homework all by herself and it went like this: August 26 I love you Mrs. Drabek I love yo to I love my famly too I love my mommy I love my daddy I love my sistr I love my bruthr I love my cats too Love Erin and I do my best (all the "loves" were hearts)...

I began my first day of Design 10 torture and felt extremely overwhelmed...

I laughed when I saw Marissa's face, head, and clothes after playing with pink sidewalk chalk and water, and I smiled because she was so happy...

I gave two chalky children a bath and later found two wet, naked children running around the house, and I laughed...

I took a pair of scissors away from Marissa while I was unloading silverware, only to watch her grab a knife...

I mopped the floor with my new Hoover FloorMate and liked it...

I watched Erin do the "ta-toot-ti-ta dance" twice and laughed both times (I have to get it on video)...

I sketched and spent several hours making a computer model of a 1950 subtropical guest house that is due tomorrow...

I remembered Alex saying "Mommy, I took off my pants because they were wet, and because my diaper was melting"...

I made the third dinner in my 10 week meal plan and it was easy (and delicious)...

I listened to Erin read me a book and then I read her two more...

I sent Jared out to get diapers after he put the kids to bed, played racquetball, and missed his 9:30 call (oops)...

I cuddled with Alex when he woke up at 9:40 p.m. and asked for lunch...

I laid down with Erin as she told me about the cafeteria, it being the favorite part of her day...

I saw a light at the end of the Architecture tunnel, but still know there are many all nighters along the way...

I told Jared I love him...

I wrote this blog when I should have been working on my project...

...and the night is still, unfortunately, young... and the baby's crying (gotta go!)... never mind, she went back to sleep.


kkerr said...

Sounds like a busy day. Good luck with your last class. It must be nice knowing that this is the last round of all-nighters. What is your meal plan? It sounds like a good idea.

HeatherWasHere said...

I love this post Laura. LOVE it! What an amazing job you have. Each small act of the day so huge in its grander significance. I have a smile on my face (and a tear in my eye) and I think I'll have a great day, too. I love you, Laura!

Andrea's Daily Deals said...

I love it too! Well said, Laura!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

That is one busy day!!

Cheryl said...

Now I understand why you don't have time to go to bed at night. In fact, I'm impressed that you go to sleep every other night and still get all that done. Good luck this last semester (and good riddens soon, eh?)