Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The other day, Erin was trying to teach Alex about all the magnetic letters we have on the fridge. She was holding the letter "E" and saying "Alex, this is E. Can you say E?" He started saying E over and over again. That night when Jared and I were playing Scrabble, Alex climbed on the chair, looked at my letters and said, "E, E, E." I was amazed because I really did have three E's! However, I realized that he really can't recognize the E, he just thinks that anything that looks like a letter is E. Now he'll pick up any one of those magnetic letters and proudly say "E".

That same day I was so happy and surprised to walk into Alex's room and find all the books on the shelf and toys put away. I came out and said thanks to Jared. After a bewildered look from him I realized he hadn't cleaned up. So I asked Erin if she had done it. She said, "Yes, come see!" Then she began telling me everything she put away. I asked her why she cleaned Alex's room up and she said, "I didn't want him to step on all his toys." The other day at the park someone commented on how well Erin takes care of Alex. I just said, "Well, somebody has to." Erin really is a great sister to Alex.

Here are some pictures of the kids chasing each other last night (okay just Erin chasing Alex). The weather has been so beautiful lately. Ever since November started it's been like one of those perfect spring days after a long winter... only it's like a perfect fall day after a long summer.


Lisa said...

What a great big sister she is! Looks like they are having a great time.

Jenni said...

I do hear that having a girl as the oldest can be helpful! We've mostly had to keep our oldest from beating the other two up. :)

Heather said...

Fall in Florida is a grand time. And what a cute big sister to be such a helper. Hannah loves to care for Abe and get him snacks and get him dressed and lay out his clothes. I love that Erin cleaned up Alex's room for him. Good work girlie!