Tonight coming home from cooking club I just couldn't resist taking just a short, slow, meandering drive around the block. That's it. I didn't even venture more than a half mile from our house and I found what I've been looking for. Okay, I've been looking for a few things. But this dresser will be perfect in the corner of our living room to be used for all my crafty stuff... I think... after I, you know, sand it, prime it, paint it, glaze it (?)... do something with it. But it's got some great lines and it was only out in a slight sprinkle before I saved it (single-handedly I might add) just prior to a downpour. Fabulous! Expect a post about it sometime after the table project, the garage project and the subway art project--but definitely before the kitchen project. I've got way too many things floating around in my head right now.
Anyhoo... I had a fantastic birthday this year. I got birthday wishes in the form of store bought cards, homemade cards, phone calls, a text message and from 49 of my facebook friends. Ahh, nothing like a little social media to make you feel more popular than you actually are. It was great. Jared and I farmed our kids out to three different families so that we could go out on the town. And by that I mean spending over 20 minutes trying to find the right exit off of I-95 and I-595 so that we could go rock climbing at an obscure indoor climbing gym (obviously indoor--the highest elevation is the dump, no exaggeration). Yep, I'm still sore and yep, I'm out of shape and yep, I forgot the camera. But it was way fun and definitely worth it. It was a great activity for Valentine's Day because there was no wait like all the restaurants would have had. Jared got me flowers, a card, cake and a note saying that he would do all the dishes and laundry for a week. I am totally taking him up on that offer and I think he is realizing what a big, never ending job they both are. Also received were some chocolates, a cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory, an Olive Garden gift card, some make up (courtesy of me) and a gift and balloon left on my doorstep from my new, Jamaican Nesberry picking friend. I told you she was my friend. Thanks everyone for a great day!
Here are a few of the little projects I've done lately to keep my creative juices flowing. I know what you're thinking. I can't handle taking care of my kids and house but I can spend time on these projects? That's right. Either way I am a little overwhelmed and can't keep up, but at least if I am working on a project I feel like I am getting something accomplished and feel more fulfilled.
This one I thought of by myself and did it in a couple of hours (including painting and drying). The inspiration was that LOVE sculpture with the tilted O. I printed out letters on scrapbook paper and mod podged them onto painted and sanded pieces of 2x4 that I cut. I love how this turned out.
Happy V-Day!
I can't believe someone threw out that dresser, it will be great! I have ZERO qualms about curb-cruising. Love it! And those crafts are beautiful.
The costumes arrived yesterday, thank you so much!! I am hoping and praying Andrew really does make it home for the party- we'll have it mid-March while my parents are here. Thank you for helping me out.
Definite score on the dresser! I wish we had a big garbage day like that, but with all the crafty momos around here I'm sure it would be a battlefield trying to get things.
I agree that having a project can be very therapeutic. Can't wait to see what you create!
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