We did end up having Easter, just a week late. We didn't have Christmas on Christmas, why would we have Easter on Easter? Luckily, kids do not care as long as there is candy and an Easter egg hunt (which happens regularly around here anyway only with toys not eggs). We managed to dye eggs--I didn't manage to do Erin's hair that day or put all that food away in the background for that matter.

They loved the Easter egg hunt. Alex is finding a carefully "hidden" egg.

Then he gave it to Erin because it was pink (that's right Alex, pink is a girl color but it's all right to play with dolls...)

Here are their Easter outfits which I had to threaten Erin in order to wear: if she didn't there would be no egg hunt. Usually she picks out her own clothes--you should see the one she came up with for church tomorrow involving two directions of stripes, at least 10 different colors and a skort--but come on, I have two cute girls and dressing them alike is one of my simple and well deserved pleasures at least once a year.

And here is the Easter aftermath. They made the biggest and funnest trail of grass that finally made it to the room where Jared and I were successfully ignoring them. I think they were swimming in it or something?

Marissa is usually part of their fun now a days too. Next year I'm using pom poms instead of this. Good idea, right? I'm just proud of myself that it is all put away and it's only been a week. Good job on not being your usual slacker self Laura.
Erin is an absolute hoot. I love Erin stories. I can't wait to see who she grows up to be. We had Ava's birthday about a week and a half late last year. Its just not a big deal as long as you eventually do it.
Your kids are adorable. They have so much fun together--I love it. Can't wait to see you guys :)
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