Here are some things we have accomplished from the infamous 'list', however insignificant they may be:
#5 Go to library story time. Twice, actually. This was my first outing by myself with all four kids when Connor was 2 1/2 weeks old. I managed.
#25 Finger paint with pudding.
The masterpieces:
#18 Go see a movie. We all went to see Toy Story 3 when my dad was here and everyone did great, excluding half a container of drinkable yogurt all over Marissa's shirt. Good movie!
#66 Run through the sprinklers and #14 Go swimming. We've done both a lot.
#65 Play hide and seek. This seems to be a daily game, though I've never taken part--probably due to nursing the baby and scheming up ideas instead.
#19 Make paper airplanes. It was a good thing we did this one when Jared was home because as it turns out, he spent considerably more time as a child making paper airplanes than I did and had way better designs than me. All of them ended up on the roof so Jared, setting the example, climbed up there to get them. Now all my kids want to get on the roof. After he jumped off, they all started begging to jump off too. Go figure.
#31 Act out a scripture story. This ended up a lot like the marshmallow fight except we decided to use crumpled paper instead. Any guesses about which story? Here's a hint: my kids only pick ones where you get to stand on something really high (like a tower or a wall). Yep, Samuel the Lamanite. Luckily we are really bad shots so, true to the story, I don't think Erin got hit at all. Should've used marshmallows, or arrows.
#23 Fireworks. On the Fourth of July we just walked outside, since the babies were asleep, and watched different shows around town and the neighborhood. Then we crashed our next door neighbors' personal fireworks show which turned out great, and bonus, we didn't have to buy any fireworks. They even gave our kids a bunch of sparklers which they have never done before. Next year, we'll have our kids wear shoes before handing them hot glowing ember spraying sticks. Lesson learned.
Oh yeah, Erin says this is her fireworks shirt and she saved it for like two weeks until the big day. She's right, though; it does look like fireworks.
#93 Take a bubble bath. Okay, also pretty easy. Just add bubbles to their regular bath.
#71 Go for a walk and listen to sounds. You actually couldn't hear a whole lot above the cars, planes, air conditioners, our own feet and the baby crying, but we did hear dogs, crickets and frogs too.
#99 Find nocturnal animals. This was one of Erin's ideas, possibly from watching Dinosaur Train or Curious George... or just because she wanted to stay up late enough to find them. We walked around our house once and found our cats, frogs, fireflies, maybe crickets and mosquitoes. I got bit 4 times.
#15 Find shapes in the clouds. It was really, really bright out so we couldn't look for that long. But we found dogs, dinosaurs, unicorns and monsters.
See the dog?
#59 Play a game on the computer. They love Starfall and PBS kids.
#28 Sleep with cats. I love this one. Believe it or not, this was not at all hard to do. Here are only a couple of examples.
#63 Make a collage of words and pictures. The kids cut out things they liked, mostly food. Mine was the note to Jared. Let's just say the kids were done a good hour before I was. There's probably a reason I haven't made one of these notes since BYU. They take forever! But Jared truly appreciated the effort. And like the note says, he is the greatest!
You guys are amazing!!! I understand about the nursing thing- it's kinda nice snuggling with the baby, until those millions of thoughts start running around your brain and stress you out. Those projects sound fantastic though.
I can't wait to see how the other 68 come! Thinking while nursing drives me nuts too. You guys are too cute and I can't wait until November!
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