Now that everything is in and the painting is almost done, it is fabulous! Of course it is the same size as our old shower, but after using the kids' shower for so long this one seems so luxurious with lots more elbow room. I love the clear shower door as well. We'd had it for so long in the box that I had forgotten what it looked like. Jared worked so hard on all of it and did a great job. My contributions were minimal, but I am happy with the paint color and the picture frames with scrapbook paper on the wall--my decorating skills at work.
About a month ago when the shower was finally "done" Jared got in it for the maiden voyage. The first thing he noticed was that there was hardly any hot water pressure. Uh oh. As he was investigating the problem we noticed that the floor was filling up with water--and not draining at all! Yikes. That set us back a few days. We certainly hoped we wouldn't have to tear out anything we'd just installed, or call an expensive plumber. But Jared's determination took over and he solved both problems. The drain had somehow gotten filled with concrete (we think) so we rented a snake and ground our way through. After getting into the plumbing Jared found a minuscule piece of paper towel blocking the hot water flow. How did it get there? It was one of his solutions to drying the dripping pipes when he initially soldered it all together. Everything works great now.
Next, our bedroom. I looked through all our pictures for a before picture of our bedroom but since I always kind of hated our room I guess I never took a picture of it. To give you a mental image, the walls were cream, the bedspread was pale, we had no headboard and the old, hand-me-down furniture that we had was not nice or big enough. We shared 5 small drawers for all our clothes, which is why clothes were always in stacks in our closet or elsewhere around the room. The blinds were cream, metal mini-blinds that were permanently bent by our cats and we often feared for our lives whenever the wobbly fan was on. There was even a white utility table set up in there for random things like laptops, crafts, clothes or to hold the bathroom tiles. Ugly. I still can't believe we lived this way for 8 years.
After the bedspread and paint we had to replace the blinds and ceiling fan, which are huge improvements. I love the bamboo blinds. We even got new laundry hampers that make laundry sorting and washing way easier. This shot shows the non-wobbly fan that I would not have wanted to live without these last few months of pregnancy. Also note that the blinds are partially transparent, which means that people can see in at night if they really want to be peeping Toms, but our room is in the back corner of our house so if that happens--creepy!
Gorgeous!!!! You guys are amazing.
Looks AMAZING!!! I bet that was a TON of work!!
Love the bathroom! I think the purple in there is beautiful! You live to far away. You should move closer so you can do projects with me!
Laura, I love it! Color choice and all. It makes me want to do more with my house. Can I borrow you and Jared for a week or two to work on my place? I'll watch the kids, and give you breaks for nursing if you must.
It looks great! I can't believe you and Jared did this all by ourselves. I love the furniture too!
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