Monday, April 12, 2010

This About Sums it Up

I realize I have not posted anything in a while. I've started a few posts, but they didn't make the cut. Mostly I'm just tired, and nesting, and tired. But here are a few random aspects of my life right now.


Another proud moment when Erin completed her goal of reading 100 books this year. The instructions said you could count books read to the child as well as ones they read, but Erin decided to only count the ones she read. My favorite part is how one of the books is "The Book of Mormon" (which was a little sacrament book about the BOM), but it's funny that it is on there. She is doing such a great job with reading!
Erin made a new Family Home Evening chart for us tonight that reads: familly houm eyvning... lesin... sonng... prer (prayer)... trite (treat)... aktivity. Gotta love phonetics.

Last night Alex says, "I don't know why I keep coughing. Do you think it's because I ate too many jelly beans?"

The same day, after some thought, he decided it was okay for me to help him with his car seat. "Mommy, you can help me because I love you, but I just don't like you." He said that again tonight when wanting help from Daddy with his prayer, "I want Daddy to help me because I love Mommy but I don't like her." Yes, that does make sense.

In general I've been reading books on home decorating, pregnancy and delivery, and a pretty good financial book. I picked up the pregnancy books from the library because I've already read all the ones I have three times (yeah, yeah, yeah "What to Expect When You're Expecting", I've got "Hypno-birthing" and "Home Birth in the Hospital"). This delivery will be different from my last two because I can't go to a birthing center this time. I'm still bummed about it because they were such great experiences, and I'm still not in love with my new doctor, but I also feel like I don't have too many options either. My sister did remind me that lots of people have babies in the hospital and that it's not that abnormal, which was a good reminder. I just know it'll be a different experience with not being able to eat and being hooked up to moniters and IV's, but I'll manage; hence the books.

Our book club book this month was one of the best books I've read in a long time called, "These Is My Words" which is the diary of Sarah Agnes Prine by Nancy E. Turner. It is a story of her journey to and settling in the Arizona territory. It was really hard to believe that all of the things that happened to her were true because it is full of crazy adventures, love, death, her great personality and much more. I'm not doing it justice. Just go read it. I'm on her second diary now.

Home Projects
Our master bathroom has been torn out since July and the deadline to finish is baby #4. Jared took a few days off this week to tile and I helped him mostly with the cutting while he laid it. I think we both agree that this could very well be our last tiling project ever and that we don't like to tile! And after hours of crouching I realized tiling may be one of the worst jobs you could do being 7 months pregnant. I could barely walk after that. That being said, our bathroom is but some grout, a second coat of paint, and a toilet and shower door installation away from being done. Wahoo!I also painted our bedroom a few weeks ago with the help of my friend. We got a new comforter set and installed new blinds and a new ceiling fan. And when I say "we" I mean I laid on the bed providing stimulating conversation while watching Jared do it. So far, I love the new look. Once our new furniture comes I just may post pictures.

That paint job got me thinking about our family room, so I picked up some samples and now have an unfinished, multi-colored splotchy room that also has a baby #4 deadline. Nesting is in full swing, I'm afraid. It does seem that I get more done in my third trimester than any other time in my life; I work better under pressure after all. In fact, I think I've only done painting projects while pregnant. I will say that the family room is the limit, at least for this pregnancy. I might just have to have another one if the kids want their rooms re-done.

I'm now 7 months and weigh the same as my husband (or so he says--he's always rounding up). All I know is it is somewhat of a depressing day when you weigh more than your husband, even if he is a stick.

Do I...
Waddle? Yes, unfortunately
Have heartburn? Yes
Get up at least twice a night to pee? Yes
Feel 20 degrees hotter than everyone else? Yes
Take a nap every day? At least one

Also, there's the pregnancy brain and the clumsiness, which Jared does not believe has anything to do with being pregnant. But you can not tell me that splattering melted butter all over my maternity shirt, flipping half the chopped celery on the counter and dropping a saucy spoon on my shoe all while making one meal is normal behavior. Give me some solace in knowing this will end! Humor me at least.

New Resolutions

1. Change air filter more regularly (at least before the AC stops working)
2. Be more diligent about putting the flea medication on the kitty's (you could imagine where I'm going with this one)
3. Never, ever eat a hot dog again! I had the grossest and strongest one that I kept burping up a day later, ironically at an Earth Day Festival (shouldn't they have been selling organic vegetables there instead?) Seriously, no more. Don't even try to offer me one. I'm done.

After that first post about being called into the nursery and having a great breakdown, I do want to say that I really, really like being in there. I might be in a bad mood before church and then half way through nursery I will look at the sweet, innocent faces of the little children during singing time and I feel sincerely happy. They don't care how fat I am or if my garments are showing while sitting on the floor or if I eat half their snacks. It's a pretty good place to be and I have a sweet group of kids, for the most part.

So that about sums it up.


Heather said...

great post laura. I need to have hannah do the 100 book thing this summer. It would be fun to have a list of all the books she is reading.

Yes, I'd say maternity shirts do get spilled on way more than normal shirts. I do think pregnancy makes me more clumsy. Good luck with the last little bit of pregnancy! You are doing such great projects. It will be so nice when they are done and you can hold your baby and admire all the hard work.

HeatherWasHere said...

You are so funny Laura, even without trying to be. This was an amusing glimpse into the scattered 3rd trimester brain. I also get more projects done during my third trimester than any other time.

I wish you the best on your delivery. (I wish I could be there!!) I've only ever delivered in a hospital, but it has generally been a pleasant experience. I think as long as the people around you are kind and caring, you could give birth anywhere and it would be great. And with this being your fourth, you will go so fast that you won't even be in there very long.

Tip: a few secret snacks never hurt anyone. A woman giving birth needs food.

kkerr said...

I'm so glad you are alive! I was going to call about 20 minutes ago but I was afraid you would be eating dinner. I also thought if I called you, you would probably say that you just posted something. Then I would say, that I thought that might be the case, and that I should have checked your blog before I called. Whew! Glad I saved myself the embarrassment. I loved These is my Words. Sarah's Quilt is even better. Don't forget to read the last one. Star something or other. I can't wait for the pictures of the finished bathroom, bedroom, living room.

Marinda said...

i laughed out loud at your "stimulating conversation" comment... too funny! i really like the purple paint in your bathroom... you have to post pictures when it is done. and yes, many people have babies in the hospital and it will be okay!

Alan Daniels Family said...

First, Kimberly tells me quite often that she loves me but doesn't like me. It must be normal. Second, the clumsy brainless thing most definitely is pregnancy. I left my home and drove into town for 6 hours last week and I left my front door hanging wide open the entire time! Not something I would normally do. Luckily we live in a safe town. :)

Lori N. said...

Laura, even if you are a crazy pregnant mommy with laundry hanging on the curtain rods that leaves the front door open on stormy days, you're still adorable. You know, one of those woman that other woman dislike because they're so darn cute with a baby belly.

And I meant it - let us know if you guys need anything.