Here's the thing. I didn't know when I nonchalantly signed up for my first architecture class what an architecture degree entailed, and I don't think most people do. Let me try to explain. It's not that you have to be the least bit smart, or read a lot or write brilliant papers or even take huge exams--you don't. You are just required to do an astronomical amount of work (and give up any social life or sleeping requirements you may have thought you had). And not just any work, it's time-consuming, tedious work. Every week you must come to class with new models, new drawings, new research, new conceptual ideas, new sketches, new layouts, etc. Okay, it doesn't sound like much, but you can spend 4, 5, 8, 12 hours on just one drawing and even a little cardboard model could take you all night to build, let alone the final drawings and models. Then you pin your hours of work up on the board and try to explain meaning into your model while teachers and classmates tear you to shreds. This begins the next round of changes, new models, new drawings, more all-nighters, more stress. And then you do it again the next week and the next, and the next year and the next, until you find yourself driving home one night wondering why on earth you did all that! Like I said, nobody in their right mind would do it.
I don't wish to put down any other degree. I know some of them are very demanding. Medical school? Dental school? An MBA? And Law school? Heaven knows I could have never lasted three weeks trying to digest any of that. All I know is that when I did my first bachelor's degree, I only stayed up all night when I was hanging out with my roommates passing around the pan of communal mac and cheese or when we had cleaning inspection the next day (those were the days). Architecture? People have refrigerators, microwaves, blow up mattresses and razors at their desks because they literally stay at school for days working on projects. I still don't understand why they haven't installed showers yet. It's insane. Just listen to me when I say that nobody should do architecture!!! Spare your friends.
All that being said, I did do it and I feel proud to be able to say I did. I only have a few pictures of graduation because, as life usually goes, the camera ran out of batteries while I was walking across the stage. When I went to get my robe (the day before), they were out of my size (5'6"-the most common height) so I tried on the 5'9" and was about to take it when one of the workers insisted the sleeves were way to long. So she convinced me to get the 5'0"-5'2" size which pretty much looked like a lab coat instead of a graduation gown. Looking at the few pictures I do have, maybe it's better there aren't more of me looking so ridiculous.
The best part of graduation for me, besides finding out that we had a school song and what our mascot was (Owls--who knew?), was the fact that I got to wear those cool cords. I didn't think about it till I got there and saw my name card which said Magna Cum Laude. I was the only architecture student to graduate with honors (unlike the 50 million nursing students... not to compare degrees, but seriously, something's got to be different if that's the case) and the director said there have been very few architecture students to do that. To me, those dorky yellow cords gave me a small sense of satisfaction for all the hard work I've put in. And not to dwell on technicalities, but I was .02 grade points away from being Summa Cum Laude and yes, I am still bitter at a couple of teachers for giving the undeserved non-A's. But I guess Magna Cum Laude is still pretty cool.
I also found out last week that I won the thesis prize for all of the Design 10 projects this semester. At least I think that's what I heard over my screaming children. For future reference, 18 month olds do not belong at university GALA's (hence the term "crazy baby"). I guess that was pretty cool too, especially after my lousy review, but not like wearing the goldenrod cords. Here's a condensed version of the final project.

P.S. I promise to spare you of too many more posts about architecture. It's almost out of my system.
Laura, I am proud to know you. I hope you are unhumble enough to see that all of these honors and accolades are yours for a reason. You are truly awesome. A shining star, one might say. Glad you didn't know what you were in for, glad you are done, glad you learned so much from me. Congratulations to you on everything.
Laura- I am getting all teary eyed as I read this! I am so proud of you! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! You are amazing. What an accomplishment.
Lola, this is a remarkable accomplishment and I am so impressed by your persistence and dedication over the past half dozen years or so. Few people could have done what you have without losing it. Congratulations!
So what's next?
Congratulations!!! You are amazing!
Congrats Laura! That is awesome :) Way to go champ
So you didn't get summa cum laude? Hmm. I'm disappointed. :) (You can tell I never did much with the honors idea when I tell you that I had never heard of summa cum laude until your post. I had to look it up :)
OK... You're amazing! And I can't stop laughing at the lab coat thought. I miss your humor.
I am so happy for you in your accomplishment. It has been a long pursuit and challenging endeavor, and you shot for the stars and got even further. You are one very impressive woman and I'm grateful you're my friend.
But really... the most impressive part of all: Your legs.
Laura, I am so proud of you & ecited for you! You have worked unbelievably hard & done an amaazing job. School is so much harder when you have little kids- I think you should get an extra .5 on your GPA for each of your children that survive your schooling.That would put youover the top!
I am so glad you went to graduation too! My hs graduation got rained out & then I never went to my 2 college graduations- which I so regret. Not making THAT mistake again!
Way to go! You are amazing!!
Wow! You are one amazing chica! I'm very proud of you. You are awesome. I remember seeing some of your models at your house and they looked so darn cool. what next? Probably taking care of 'crazy baby' for a while huh?
congrats, laura! you are an amazing woman for going to school with three kids. i couldn't do it! enjoy the feeling of being a graduate (again!)
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