Alex's costume is a spider, but he didn't want to put the hands in the way they were supposed to go, so nobody really knew what he was. Marissa's was so soft and cuddly. I thought it was a sheep until everyone kept calling her a poodle. So I guess she was a pink poodle. Whatever. The point is they have loads and loads of candy that I keep eating (dang Halloween!)
Our Trunk-or-Treat was about 45 minutes due to rain, but they got their candy. Then on Halloween we only got about 5 knocks on the door because of rain. Jared kept trying to take them out but then it would start pouring again. They did eventually go around the block and because nobody else was out, people were giving fist-fulls of candy. Happy day for the kids.
We had a couple of left over pumpkins from the Daddy Daughter Activity Days (it was really fun by the way), but we never had time to carve them. Here is us keeping our tired kids awake last Thursday so we could keep a family tradition alive. Last year Erin's pumpkin was named Ed. This year she named it Ned. She insisted on having a house and not a face. I thought it turned out all right, especially considering I had a baby in my left arm most of the time carving it. Jared & Alex's was such a cute face too.
The only candles I had were birthday candles but they worked fine. Every time we mention the pumpkins now Alex immediately says "Happy Birthday" because of those candles.
Your kids are so cute, and so funny! I love the costumes and pumpkins.
Those are pretty amazing pumpkins!! I love the costumes especially the 'poodle'!!!
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