Marissa is becoming very mobile. A few weeks ago I'd put her down and she would do 360's around the blanket. Now she has mastered rolling and changing directions which can lead her almost anywhere. I always put her down on a blanket but inevitably she ends up on the tile...
...or the hard floor (asleep--note the blanket she was on)...
...or under the couch...
...or she just falls asleep on the carpet giving herself carpet marks on her face. I don't know why I even bother with the blanket at all. I guess it just makes me feel better knowing she could choose something soft and comfortable, even if she hardly ever does. My goal for at least one of my children is to not have them fall off the bed. Since I failed with the other two, I'm crossing my fingers for this one. I do have to keep reminding myself that she is very mobile and must not be placed on the bed. There is hope yet!
It's always a little sad knowing the newborn stage is over, but this stage is also very fun. It makes me laugh to see where she has ended up. And she is really starting to laugh herself which is a great stage too. I love seeing her personality come outt even though I can't believe she is already so old.
1 comment:
What a cutie! We wish we could cuddle her and kiss those sweet little chubby cheeks. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Evans
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