I figured since we were going to be looking at the umbilical cord, we might as well just look a little lower and find out what it is. We went on Monday and found out it is A GIRL!! I would post a picture but it's pretty much a good shot of her bum that she might be embarrassed about later. Before we went I asked Erin if she wanted a boy or a girl. Erin: "A girl." Me: "What if it's a boy? Wont' you like him?" Erin: "No, I want a girl." Me: "Alex is a boy, don't you like him?" Erin: "Well, yeah, I like him. But I will be too sad if it's a boy, and I will be too happy if it's a girl." She is definitely excited, but she still thinks her name should be "Capa-jaya-site". What a funny kid!
Side note: Here's one of Alex with my infamous Elmo slippers on. He's yelling "Elmo!"
oh wow - a girlie! yay! I really hope everything goes okay with your pregnancy and all the stuff with the umbilical cord. You have such a cute family.
What funny kids! When I was pregnant with Caitlin we asked Dylan what we should name the baby. He said "Basically". He stuck with it too and so until she was born we all called her Basically. Lately Dylan has been trying to get it to catch on again. No dice!
A Girl! I was wrong.
I am so excited for you!! Dorothy keeps telling me that we are going to have a girl baby??? So maybe she knows something I don't?? Impossible... maybe she is just set on having a baby sister like Erin!!
I'm with Erin. Capa-jaya-site is an awesome name for a little girl. Right up there with Maher-shalal-hash-baz ("destruction is imminent".)
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