So I had an ultrasound today. Apparently the 16 week estimate was wrong... the baby is measuring over 20 weeks! Here are some pictures. It's just so weird that there's a baby this far developed in me and I had no idea. I was expecting to see a peanut like I did with the other two kids (both around 8-9 weeks), not this. I don't think anyone could have been more surprised than me. It's really funny. Anyway, the new due date is June 2. Oh, and we are not finding out the sex of this one. The technician said that it was moving around so much that it would have been hard to see what it was anyway. It was also hard to get a clear shot because of the movement, but some people are good at reading these. Good luck!

Wow! Great ultrasound pictures! Baby will be here so soon!
Oh, and I think it's a boy!
Holy cow! You are halfway done with this pregnancy! And that is cool that you guys are waiting to find out- since you already have girl/boy stuff, you'll be good to go! Have a great day!
I can't believe you didn't know!!! :) Will he/she share a bedroom?
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