All my life Valentine’s Day has kind of always been about, well… me. Since it’s my birthday it has been some kind of special identity that is just mine. I’ve gone through phases when I’ve loved it and times when it was kind of annoying. Like when half my friends were out with boyfriends and the other half were depressed because they didn’t have one, or how restaurants were always way too packed, or that time when all five of my roommates got flowers on my birthday and not me. Don’t worry, it all evened out the year I told that story to some random guy in my ward a couple of weeks before my birthday and he showed up with 24 roses on V-day… yeah, that one was kind of weird considering I didn’t even really know him, but didn’t I deserve those flowers? Valentine’s Day is my day after all.
But that’s not really my purpose for writing this. I’ve written a lot about my kids and my own life, but I haven’t really said much about the most important person in my life, Jared. I guess I take a lot for granted, but I am so grateful for all that he does. There are so many reasons I love him, but here are a few.
1. He is great at fixing things and won’t give up until it’s fixed. That’s a great quality in a husband. He fixes the cars and everything around the house.
2. He is a whiz with computers. Maybe I use him as a crutch because I know he can help with any problem I have, but I just don’t have patience figuring out how to do things on the computer. I don’t know if I could have done as well in school without his computer help.
3. He is so supportive with my personal pursuits. Whenever I have felt like giving up he has encouraged me to keep going. He has taken care the kids while I’ve been in class for years and continues to carry a lot of the childcare load. Currently he gets them breakfast and dressed every day while I sleep in the mornings and puts them to bed almost every night. There’s no way I could have gone to school without his support. Oh, and he also paid for all of it too. Thanks!
4. He is always doing little things to surprise me and he won’t ever tell me what it is over the phone. Sometimes it’s just cleaning up or making banana bread, or he’ll do something on his to do list while I’m gone and wait for me to see it on my own. Recently I got home from the store and found a new cell phone for my birthday. They’re always little things but they make me realize that he is thinking about me.
5. He is the one person in this world who really understands me and accepts me for who I am. No matter what happens out in the world where all my confidence is shattered, I know I can come home and be loved unconditionally.
6. He lets me have my own identity yet I could not imagine living without him. He is truly my best friend. Some of my best memories are just sitting on the couch talking to him about our thoughts and dreams.